Setting up irc related Programs: |
After you login to Vitalspeed's server you
will see the
information and news we have provided for you. There are commands we have setup so that you can easily copy a psybnc to your directory. Just follow these step by step instructions.
#1) wget http://www.vitalspeeds.com/downloads/psyBNC2.3.2-5.tar.gz
#2) tar -xzvf psyBNC2.3.2-5.tar.gz
#3) cd psybnc
#4) make
#4) pico psybnc.conf
#5) You will see these 3 lines in your psybnc.conf
PSYBNC.SYSTEM.PORT1=31337 Choose a port not in use(NOT 31337 as it is just an example), This is the port you will use to connect to the psybnc.
PSYBNC.SYSTEM.HOST1=* This tells the psybnc to bind to every ip on the system.
PSYBNC.HOSTALLOWS.ENTRY0=*;* This controls which hosts can connect to the psybnc, its currently set to allow "all"
#6) save changes and exit the psybnc.conf
#7) do ./psybnc If you get an error "can not bind to socket" then you need to select a different port in the config file
#8) once your psybnc is running you can connect to it using your mirc client like this.
/server "IP" "the port you selected here"
#9) once connected to the psybnc you can select a password and follow the step by step instructions provided for you by the psybnc. |